Records Management at the University of Florida
Records management is the systematic and administrative control of records through out their life cycle to ensure efficiency and economy in their creation, use, handling, control, maintenance, and disposition. The University Records Manager is responsible for developing University-wide records management policies and services, maintaining records retention schedules, and for assisting with the collection and preservation of selected University records and associated materials of the University.
The State of Florida defines public records through record retention schedules which describe a record or series of records and assigns a retention period [Chapter 1B-24, F.A.C.] State law also outlines the requirements for the disposal of public records and assigns these responsibilities to a designated Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO.) The University Records Manager fulfills this requirement and liaises with the Division of Library and Information Services.
Please remember that any personal information or data retained on a University device or in your University email account may be subject to discovery during a public records request or through legal discovery. You should only be using University devices and accounts to conduct official business – for more on this please see UFIT’s Acceptable Use Policy.
NEW and Notable
UPDATE: Electronic Recordkeeping Rule
Chapter 1B-26.003 (Electronic Recordkeeping) was recently updated with new requirements for the creation, maintenance, storage, and disposition of electronic records.
NEW and Notable
Managing Florida’s Public Records
Florida’s Bureau of Archives and Records Management recently released updated guidelines on managing public paper and electronic records. Please pay particular interest to the electronic records section that begins on page 27.
Resources for faculty
Please check out these resources for faculty to help you better manage your records: